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Chapter History

The Organizing Regent of the Fort Findlay Chapter was Mrs. Mary (Keeler) Hyatt, who became a member of the National Society on May 7, 1896. She was the wife of Mr. Benjamin F. Hyatt. In October 1896, she was appointed regent. On February 13, 1897, fifteen members of the National Society met at the home of Mrs. Hyatt and organized the Fort Findlay Chapter, named after the old fort which stood by the Blanchard River in 1812. The charter was granted by the NSDAR, February 19, 1898.

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B.F. Hyatt tombstone. (2019).

Photo by  Kimberly Chambers.

History of Fort Findlay

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Old Fort Findlay. (1912). From


In June 1812, General William Hull left Urbana, Ohio for Detroit, Michigan. Hull's army cut a road through the forest and finally arrived at the Blanchard River. Under General Hull's orders, then-Colonel James Findlay built a fort where present-day Findlay, Ohio stands. The fort stood on the south side of the river. It consisted of a stockade about ten feet in height with a two-story blockhouse built of round logs at each corner. Each blockhouse was thoroughly loop-holed and furnished with one piece of artillery. The surrounding area was cleared to give a clear view. The fort was closed in 1815 at the end of the War of 1812.

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James Findlay. From


William Hull. (1823). By Gilbert Stuart. Smithsonian Institution National Portrait Gallery. From

Women Worthy of Honor

 History of Fort Findlay Chapter Charter Members

Video created by Heather M. Pierce.

Photos and images for video, used with permission.

Header image © Richard Neuman, used with permission.


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